You can add these instructions to your system.webServer section to add the necessary HSTS headers and redirect HTTP to HTTPS: You can more finely configure your headers and redirection by directly using the IIS configuration, especially the system.webServer section. It is also recommended to redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS.
For Value: max-age=15552001 includeSubDomains preload. That will display a settings dialog where you must check both the 'Enable Application. In the right hand 'Actions' panel, click the Settings choice. In the Add Custom HTTP Response Header dialog, add the following values: In IIS Manager, drill down to the Web site you want to autostart and double-click the Application Warm-up option in the panel in the middle of IIS manager. This method requires using two different sites for Specifications clearly state that it is necessary to only serve HSTS headers Via the GUIĪttention, it is not possible to write conditions on headers applying. I am trying to avoid making a ping a build and deployment requirement.Considering that a HSTS implementation is mostly made of specific headers, optionally with a redirection, there are multiple methods to configure HSTS for IIS. If you are running Windows Server 2019, open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager and click on the website. I can only guess that AlwaysRunning just created a new request thread but does not call any entry point, which gets called by an incoming http request /health. If after every deployment, the /health endpoint is pinged then the service starts up. services.AddHostedService() Īnd public class AuthorizationMessageConsumerService : BackgroundService In code, the startup has this configuration. NET Core API "microservice" that does not take any http requests. I am puzzled that there is not a associated api startup message such as - Application 'C:' started successfully. DevOps Microservice Build Start - Succeeded. Recycle (build creates the app_offline). 9:25:33 AM - Job Release completed with result: Succeeded. 9:25:29 AM - Application 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST//' has shutdown. 9:25:28 AM - Application 'C:' was recycled after detecting app_offline.htm. You can include this in your webserver’s configuration file. HSTS can be turned on with a simple header, which is added to all responses your server sends: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age300 includeSubDomains preload. When the application is deployed, I see the following log entries under the "IIS AspNetCore Modeule" V2 sink. Enabling HSTS and Joining the Preload List.
My understanding is that a thread pool worker will be started after a recycle when that happens I would assume the application entry point would be called, however, that does not seem to be working. I am having problems with the auto-start. I have configured an pool to auto-start and never sleep.