Have you ever been to a download site with six download buttons? It is difficult to figure out which download link to actually click on. In some cases, web advertising has become completely out of hand. Ad network compromise leads to rogue page redirects on Reuters site.Malvertising campaign on popular site leads to Silverlight exploit, Zeus Trojan.

Ad Network Compromised, Users Victimized by Nuclear Exploit Kit.Malicious advertisements on major sites compromised many, many PCs.If that sounds scary, take a look at a few recent examples of how malvertising affected the Internet world. The following link directs you to some interesting information on malvertising it is worth your time to read this information: The advertisers are not aware the ads contain malware, and the attackers are using a highly optimized and automated system to gain a large footprint. The problem has become so commonplace, there is an officially recognized term for it. MalvertisingĮssentially what happens in malvertising is malware-laden ads are legitimately placed on sites by approved advertisers. There are some good reasons, however, to consider blocking web ads at the gateway. Because ad revenue essentially pays for these services, you may conclude that web ads are good. proceeds from Internet advertising fund the Internet, providing us with some fantastic free services. :xwiki-platform-watchlist-uiĬom.vladsch.flexmark:flexmark-ext-autolinkĬom.vladsch.flexmark:flexmark-util-collection :xwiki-platform-user-directory-uiĬom.xwiki.licensing:application-licensing-script :xwiki-platform-scheduler-uiĬom.xwiki.licensing:application-licensing-common-api

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