Text that threads across many pages slows down InDesign, because a change on one page triggers an adjustment to them all. When this is turned off, InDesign is noticeably faster when opening and closing document files. In Preferences > General is a switch to Show “Start” Workspace When No Documents Are Open. Really, unless you set your thumbnails to Large, Extra Large, or Jumbo, you can’t really see much in the thumbnail.
This saves a lot of wait time while the tiny page image regenerates. The Pages Panel > menu button > Panel Options allows you to deselect Show Thumbnails. That lightens the load for long documents. Setting the view default to Typical (Preferences > Display Performance) renders the images at screen-rez, or 72ppi resolution and less color management relative to the monitor screen. Viewing placed images at high-quality resolution forces InDesign to display graphics under hi-rez color-managed conditions. Don't just use the default preflight check, which only looks for missing fonts, missing linked graphics, and overset text. Of course, when you do turn it on, make sure you are enabling some of its advanced preflight features. Save that Live Preflight session for the late stages of the project. Live Preflightīy deselecting the On checkbox while you build, you lighten the load considerably. Try these strategies on that next big document. Do you need all the accessories and features on at the same time? Probably not. By selectively turning off features of InDesign, you can speed up the response time. InDesign is lagging, running slow? InDesign is a huge program. Keyboard shortcuts Adobe InDesign Photoshop Illustrator.Adobe Creative Cloud Color Management training.